TSCC Review Budget Transmittal Documentation
Approved Budgets
DOWNLOAD FY 25-26 Approved Budget Checklist Here
TSCC member districts are required to submit their approved budgets to the commission no later than May 15 each year (ORS 294.635) AND:
- For districts serving populations exceeding 200,000: at least 20 days before the TSCC hearing on the approved budget (ORS 294.431(2))
- For districts serving populations not exceeding 200,000): at least 30 days before the hearing on the adopted budget (ORS 294.431(1))
TSCC can grant extensions to these approved budget time requirements only for good reason and well in advance of the need.
Districts should complete and submit this form with their approved budgets.
Adopted Budgets – Updated FY26 Checklist form coming soon
All TSCC member districts are required to submit their adopted budgets to the commission (ORS 294.458(5)(c)) as soon as possible after adoption, but in any case, no later than September 30 each year (ORS 294.458(5)(a)).
All member districts should download, complete, and submit this form with their adopted budget.
Submit all documents electronically to:
allegra.willhite@multco.us and brittanie.abayare@multco.us